Customer Form // Customer Info Tab

The first tab to be configured when creating a customer is the Customer Info tab.

Note that fields with (*) are compulsory in the creation of a customer.

General Customer Information

The following fields help to configure the general information of the client which enables it in most of the system.

  • Full Name(*)

  • Company(*)

  • Display Name As(*): The name you set in this field is how the customer will be displayed in all the modules of the system.

The following fields display a dropdown menu with data created previous to the creation of the customer.

  • Status(*): Set the client to Active to make it visible in the rest of the system.

  • Client Type: a customer can be set as an Exportation client or National Client

  • Parent Trading Company(*): Set the corresponding parent trading company of the customer.

Select the corresponding billing client if the customer you are creating is a Shipping client.

Keep the option - Assign As Own Parent Customer for Billing clients.

  • Parent Billing Customer(*): Set the corresponding parent billing company of the customer.

Select the corresponding billing client if the customer you are creating is a Shipping client.

Keep the option - Assign As Own Parent Customer for Billing clients.

  • Market(*): Set the corresponding market the customer belongs to.

  • Segment(*): Set the corresponding segment the customer belongs to.

The Default fields are linked to the creation of Purchase Orders as it automatically sets them in the PO page when selecting the Shipping Customer. These fields are also useful for reporting.

Activate Auto-pack per Customer

This function allows the POs of the client to be packed automatically in S3. See to understand more about the functionality:

Auto-Pack Function

To activate the function in the customer, go to Accounting Admin (Auto-pack functions) first. Then, set the Auto-Pack option and choose YES.

Note that this setting should be activated in the Billing and Shipping customer to make it functional.

Create PO page groups

A PO page group is a subtotal in the module search purchase orders, it's possible to cluster a group of clients into a separate subtotal. This can be useful in case you'd like to see a subtotal of all the sales of national clients vs export clients, for example.

You can assign a customer to a group by inserting a numeric variable different from 0 in the field PO Page Group. All customers with the same numeric variable will be grouped.

Inventory Aging Check

The systems control inventory through the FIFO(first in, first out) method. Make sure the SO/OM Packing Aging in Accounting Admin is activated before setting it in the customer form.

Set Yes, if you want your customer to have this control, No otherwise.

Limit Aging Check

If you want your customer to have the fresher bunches of your inventory, set the option to Yes. No otherwise.

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