Mass Rollback Orders

In this article you will find information on how to rollback multiple invoices at once. Also, a description of the feature of the customer mass rollback module will be provided.

The customer mass rollback module is used to rollback more than one customer invoice at once.

Home / Customers / Sales / Customer Mass Invoice / Mass Rollback Orders

This module allows us to select multiple orders/invoices to rollback them all at once.

We can do this by using the Select All button that we find at the top of the order table.

Nevertheless, it is also possible to select different invoices by clicking on them one bye one.

We can use the filters like range date, Sales rep, Customer, Cargo Agency, Market and Invoice status to refine our search and being able to use the Select All button.

Once we have selected the invoices we want to rollback, we click on the blue button called: Rollback Orders and we will have completed our task!

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