Manage Customer Tips

In this module, the users will be guided in the process of creating and editing Billing and Shipping Customers.

Also, an explanation of customer settings that have an effect on the system will be made.

Manage Customers Tips

Modify & Reuse Existing Customers

A customer has a passport. Changing the data of a passport has always had a big impact. Therefore, is our recommendation to always create a NEW passport in case of any data change to a customer.

Changing data to an existing customer affects all data and history assigned to the client. If you're not sure what the level of impact is, contact UNOSOF via the support channels and walk true the change you wish to apply together. Do not proactively modify data if you don't realize what the impact levels are.

  • Changing a customer NAME has an impact on how the export documents will be presented. This has a big impact and would require creating a new customer.

  • Changing a customer address has an impact on what we show on the invoices and box stickers. Unless you don't touch the country, this has a minor impact.

  • Changing a customer's country has an impact on the DAU-40 assignment, this requires ALWAYS creating a new customer because you want your SRI and Export Data to be matching.

Again, our recommendation is to never modify customers' data.

What happens to your SRI data after a modification / resuage of customer data?

1) Any invoice that has been authorized, stays as it is, at all times. 2) Any invoice that has an XML generated, but that's not authorized yet, will get authorized with the XML data but will have a PDF generation (which is more for internal use if not sent to the customer) and shall pull the NEW customer data. The PDF pulls the customer data from the customer table, unfortunately. 3) Any invoice that has NO XML data generated, will pull the NEW data, from the customer table. If you wish not to let that happen, create a secondary client, roll back the PO and re-assign the PO to the customer (data) you wish to SRI invoice.

Manage Multiple Cargo Agencies for the same Shipping Customer

It's pretty unique, but it can happen that one and the same shipping customer, has to be delivered at two different cargo agencies. Or that the exact same shipping customer needs to be created with two different countries (for example Kazakhstan and Russia). In both cases, you have to create two "passports", and two shipping customers. We need to name (visualize internally in the PO page and filters) very well identified, but which on the documents (commercial invoice, customer invoice, box stickers) do not present that internal identification.

Do not create ever two "passports", for Billing Clients.

Enter the customer form, and edit the field called: Display Name As. This is ONLY meant for the PO page, Search PO page, Filters, etc. It does not print that name on any document or box sticker.

In this example: it's possible to name the shipping client, GRAN ALIANZA-OYAMBARILLO

Manage Customer Status

Inactive Customer Status for Billing Customers.

If a Billing Customer is active or not, decide if we can use (and sell) and visualize the Billing customer on the PO page or not. However, if the Billing Customer has an outstanding balance to collect, the Billing Customer shall always remain appearing in the accounting reports for the accounting receivable department.

Manage Shipping Customers independently at each farm for Master Server Structure

It you have a master structure, both shipping clients get created in master, both shipping clients get synched down to the farms, and each farm can independently decide which one they like to keep active or not. This management can be efficiently managed from Mass Change Customer Accounting.

Reasoning to create two shipping clients is to default the Cargo Agency, Country, Sales Rep, etc. settings correctly from Create PO. Its defiantly a need, if two identical shipping customers have a different country assigned to it, that would implicate to manage 2 different DAU-40 (SENAE numbers) to export the product with from the same farm.

De-activate JSON file x Customer setting

Inside the customer format, go to the tab: Invoicing. Here you can swith on or off the JSON file. By default, any customer creation is set to yes.


You can create a customer called "DESEMPAQUE // UNPACK", as a way to communicate across departments that the boxes of a PO need to be unpacked.

This customer becomes especially useful when there is little to no communication between the sales department and postharvest.

If the sales rep assigns a PO to the client DESEMPAQUE // UNPACK, the postharvest and other sales departments immediately know that that specific order needs to be unpacked, not coordinated, unconfirmed, etc.

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