Cut Flower Trader (CFT)

Here we describe the steps to integrate Unosof with the CFT System.

Set up the Login Credentials

Ask your CFT representative for the Unosof login credentials (username and password) to access the API.

Once you got them, please input the credentials in the Admin Page, Provider ID tab:

Home / Accounting / Accounting Administration

Map your CFT Product Codes in Unosof

For Unosof and CFT's systems to communicate and integrate, it's important to match the product IDs that are created in the CFT system with the SKUs created in the Manage Products table.

There are two ways:

  1. Run the automated script for mass product mapping: Contact your Unosof account rep for this.

2. Map CFT product codes manually:

Go to the Manage Product page and select the "Manage Product Mapping API" option from the drop-down menu.

Home / Production / Production Management / Manage Products

Insert the product codes from CFT in each SKU created in Unosof in the CFT column.

Map your CFT Buyer Codes in Unosof

For Unosof and CFT's systems to communicate and integrate into different levels, it's important to match the Buyers IDs that are created in the CFT systems with the Shipping Customers created in the Manage Customer table.

Go to the Manage Customer page and select the "View Customer Result API" option from the drop-down menu.

Home / Customers / Customer Info / Manage Customers

Last updated