Users Permissions

This module manages the User Permissions. A User Permission is an authorization given to users that enables them to access specific modules in Unosof, according to their role in the company.

Copy Permissions

To copy permissions from an existing User to another, enter the Manage Users Page:

Click on the Copy Permissions Button on the upper left corner.

This will bring up the Copy Permissions Form. Here, please select the Username to copy permissions from, and the user to copy the permissions to.

Hit Save to copy the permissions.

Giving or Deny Specific Permissions

This is the primary page for editing User Permissions

From the drop-down menu, select the existing username and hit the Search Permissions Button.

This will display all events from the System. The permission list structure is based on the UNOSOF MENU.

To give permissions, make sure the event is checked on the List and Full Control boxes.

To deny permissions, make sure the List and Full Control boxes.are not checked.

Contact the UNOSOF team for support for finding, a specific permission.

Last updated