Availability Builder

Here we explain how to setup the availability builder.

Availability Builder Questions

Fix Dispo Errors / differences

1) Check the Packing Rates

Go to: Production > Product Management > Product Packing Rate

Verify first quickly, if your packing rate is there:

Select the filter A (specie), B (variety), C (box type), D (Update by Item/Length/Qty Box) and hit E (View Current Packing Rates).

This will bring you to an overview in where you can check if the item has a packing being assigned to that specific box type. That page looks as follows:

You found the problem if your item has no packing rate assigned.

How do update your packing rate?

If your item has no packing being assigned, please upload the packing rate as follows: Filters A, B are optional, but filter C, D and E are obligated. Once you hit the CSV button, the system will give you a download file that you can open, edit and save in Excel.

Once your file is ready, please set all A (box type), B (report selection) correctly and upload the file via the C (browse) select button.

2) Check Variety Box Assignment

Go to: Customers > Sales > Availability List and select the option: Variety Box Assignment

Once you have selected the 3 filters, hit search. This shall bring you to a section in where you can view and assign the box types to the item (variety length). Here you can mass select the box choice, or set for each item (variety length) a specific box type.

You found the problem if the field of your item has no box type being assigned.

Variety Season Management

Select in the dropdown menu, variety season management, apply the filters and hit search. Its possible to set varieties in-season and off-season. For every Variety its possible to set them In- and Off Season.

OFF-SEASON varieties, get pushed to the bottom of your dispo.

Last updated