This module manages the adding and editing of Users within UNOSOF. A User is a person who uses Unosof according to their tasks and responsibilities.
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This module manages the adding and editing of Users within UNOSOF. A User is a person who uses Unosof according to their tasks and responsibilities.
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This is the primary page for creating, editing, and viewing Users.
Home / Site Manager / Users
From this page, you are able to visualize existing Users, their settings, and details. Use the search bar to find s specific User faster
To create a new User, click the Add A New User Button in the upper left corner of the page.
Clicking this button brings up the User Form
This is where the information of a new Box can be entered:
First name: User's first name.
Last name: User's surname.
Username: User account name / Login ID.
Password: Secret word or phrase to login into the application.
Main Email: User's email address.
Active?: Select YES if the user is active.
Warehouse Process: Warehouse to which this user is allowed to have access.
Warehouse Origin: Warehouse to which this user is allowed to have access.
Sales Rep: Select YES, if the user is a Sales Representative.
Note that if the user is set to YES, you can set the user in the customer form. See: Customer Info
Lock Sales Rep View?: Select YES, if you want to restrict sales reps to ONLY see their customers purchase orders -which are assigned in manage customers (see picture below)- in the PO page, Search po page, Standing order list, Box confirmations, etc.
Sales Rep Managers should have the option Lock Sales Rep View? set as NO, as we would expect them to be able to see all clients and orders, irrespectively of the sales rep assigned to such an account (client).
To edit a User, click on any Username from the Manage Users Result Page.
This will also bring up the User Form populated with the data of that Box. You can edit any information and hit save to update the data.
User information is tied to past exportations, processes, and order information, so UNOSOF does not allow the deletion of a User.
You can change the Status of a User from Active to In-Active which removes it from select options in different parts of the site:
Find the Active? field inside the User Form and select No. Click Save to inactivate the user.
Inactive Users are marked in red on the User Result Page.
Do not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, modify or inactivate the user GUEST, since it is a user used for internal system configurations. Its modifications could generate inconveniences and disable different modules across the entire system.