Station 5: Truck Invoice

This article provides an overview of the funcionalities available in the station 5 module, or the box scan module.

The station 5 module is used for scanning boxes into a truck.

This module provides a document that states specifically which boxes have been placed inside a truck by scanning each box and generating a document called the "truck invoice."

Home / Customers / Exportations / Truck Invoice

1. Create a Truck Invoice

The first step to generating a truck invoice is to generate the document where we will scan the boxes inside the truck.

After clicking on the button "New Guía", a form will be displayed, where its needed to enter the following information:

  • Choose the Driver of the truck, which can be created in the module Drivers.

  • Enter the truck's plate.

  • If there's a sticker showing a code for the back and side door, enter it in the fields Sello Puerta Lateral and Sello Puerta Trasera.

  • The temperature of the truck at the arrival time can also be registered in the fields Temperatura Furgon Llegada Finca, Temperature Cajas 1, Temperature Cajas 2, Temperature Cajas Promedio.

  • The driver's ID number can also be entered in the field Cedula.

  • Leaving time is where we register the departure time of the truck.

  • The field Guia can be used to enter the SRI GUIA authorization number. However, this field is not mandatory as farms do not usually authorize an invoice on the same day.

Once we have entered the right information on the corresponding fields, the next step is to scan the boxes in the invoice truck:

We can either enter the BOX ID manually, or we can scan the barcode of the boxes, and the BOX IDs will automatically appear on the field.

View Truck Invoice Box Status

This report helps us identify the status of certain boxes of a PO.

For instance, if we want to verify that all boxes from a PO travel in the same truck, we can use the column Status, to verify the box was scanned in.

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