View Post Harvest Receiving
After the station 1 process is done, in this section you can view the registed Mallas and order details in the different reports this module has.
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After the station 1 process is done, in this section you can view the registed Mallas and order details in the different reports this module has.
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Farm level application.
To access this section please direct to Inventory, Inventory receiving and select the option View Post Harvest Receiving.
In the submenu at the top right select the Production List option.
Choose the search filters
Click on the SEARCH button.
The information of the registered Mallas will be displayed on the Inventory Production screen, according to the search carried out.
Please in normal working hours, only filter per day! the Listo production report, manages a lot of information about the Mallas, so if the user filters the whole month, it will overcharge the application.
In the Print Column, the user can reprint the Sticker Labels from S1
Please click on the Edit icon.
This will redirect the user to the S1 so the malla can be edited in case of an error.
Click on the Delete icon in the last column of the Inventory Production section.
It might be because the user sees this message "N/A - Blocking Date", instead if the red Delete button in the last Delete column.
So this happens because of this permission call Max Days Edit Receiving.
What the permission does is to block the delete or edition, of the Mallas that are older of the days that are set in this option.
In this case the users can't delete or edit Mallas that are older than 8 days.
This option is located in the Accounting Administration module.
In the Inventory Info Section.
To access this section please direct to Inventory, Inventory receiving and select the option View Post Harvest Receiving.
Select the Pre-frÃo Exits option.
Choose the search filters.
Click Search.
The information about the Mallas entered according to the search is displayed on the Pre-Frio Receiving screen.
Please click on the Delete icon located in the las column.
In the Submenu at the top right select the option Todo x Colour/Variedad.
Choose the required filters.
Click the Search button.
The information Inventory Results of the Mallas entered by variety and the percentage that this represents is displayed on the screen.
It will show the total amount of stems per variety and also the % that they represent in all the production depending of the search filters.
There is also the Total x By Color/ Variety BLOCK in this option, the user can visualize the information in each specific block, depending on what is set in the Manage locations module
Select the Production Exportable vs Projections Exportable option.
Choose the required filters.
Click Search.
The following Inventory Receiving screen appears with information about the Mallas entered in the S1.
This specific option shows the information of each specific Day per variety with the # of stems, last week % production, the target inputed in the system and the balance of stems.
At the last part of this section, it can be visualized the total balance and % completion of the whole variety if the user made a search for several days.
Select the Rendimientos option.
Please choose the required filters.
Click Search
The following screen appears with information about the Mallas registered in S1.
This report shows the cutter, specific day and total of stems registered in the system.
Select the "Control de la Producción" option.
Please choose the required filters.
Click Search.
Detail information about the Mallas that are registered in the system is shown.
This option is the appropriated to verify the information about the Pre-Frio management.
Displays specific information about the S1 Receiving, S2 Bunches creates and the Flor national.
Also shows the differences.
Select the Resume of Movements option.
This is another report that helps us for processing the information in the pre frio.
Please choose the required filters.
Click Search.
This report shows specific information about the Pre-frio, and the stations.
Also gives a good overview about the pre frio exits + Flor National.