Manage Hotroom

This is the primary page for managing your Hot Room. Here you can manage the hot room field plan and also find reports.

Hot Room Field Plan

Home / Inventory / Inventory Hotroom / Manage Hotroom

The hot room field plan is initially migrated to Unosof via an Excel Document. This document is organized by rack section and its details, in order to get a location barcode for a good track and tracing from the product.

Cama = Rack

Section = Rack's floors or sections

Número de Copas = Number of buckets in each section

Once this is migrated (By the development team) please select the option: "Field Plan" on the dropdown menu from the Manage Hot Room Page and click on the Search Button.

Here you will find the field plan migrated and a Print Button to get the location barcode.

It is possible to print by section, bed, nave or block.

This barcode is supposed to be placed on every rack permanently.

View Hotroom Entrance List

For viewing product entrance, go to:

Home / Inventory / Inventory Hotroom / Manage Hotroom

Select on the dropdown menu the option: "Hotroom Ingresos List".

Please select also date filters, warehouse, or product. Click on the Search Button.

View Hotroom Exits List

For viewing product entrance, go to:

Home / Inventory / Inventory Hotroom / Manage Hotroom

Select on the dropdown menu the option: "Hotroom Exits List".

Please select also date filters, warehouse, or product. Click on the Search Button.

Last updated