Rollback Customer Invoice

This modules eliminates a PO's invoice with the purpose of correcting or eliminating an issue of any matter.

Rollback a Customer Invoice

From this page, it is possible to search an existing Invoice and Roll it back:

Home / Customers / Customer Service / Rollback Customer Invoice:

Enter the invoice number in the blank field and hit the Submit Button.

The page displays the invoice details such as invoice date and number, customer, invoice amount, etc. Use this information to confirm if it is the correct invoice to rollback.

In the Reason box, type in the reason of doing the rollback. This reason is important for future reporting,

The clear AWB column displays the following menu and select the desired option.

  • Keep AWB: To maintain in the invoice details the current Airway Bill.

  • Clear AWB: To remove the Airway Bill linked currently to te invoice.

Click on the Rollback Invoice button to confirm.

Rollback Button blocked? Check: Rollback Blocking section on this page.

Rollback an Invoice linked to a Trading Company

This section of the manual applies for farms which structure include a trading application linked to the master application.

On the master application, enter the invoice number and click on the Submit Button to proceed with the rollback.

The images below show "Alianza" as an example of a Trading Company.

The page shows you a message in red that the invoice exists in the trading company. Click on Rollback "Trading Name" (Highlighted in blue).

For this, you must first log in to the trading application and have the correct user permissions to access.

The invoice number of the trading company will automatically appear in the blank field.

Please type in a reason that justifies the Rollback and click on the Rollback Invoice Button to proceed.

After doing the rollback in the trading company, go back to the master application and click on Delete Order Alianza (Highlighted in blue).

This will bring up the old PO page, where these two steps should be done:

1.Unpack the order 2.Delete the order completely from the trading company.

Go back to the Rollback page in Master level and rollback the master invoice.

Rollback Blocking

There are 4 reasons where a Rollback cannot be performed:

  1. If a deposit has been applied to the invoice. In order to rollback, delete the deposit (In the View Deposits).

2. A Credit or Debit Note has been applied to the invoice. In order to rollback, delete the credit note (In View Customer Credit).

3. If the invoice has been authorized in the SRI (SRI INVOICE). In order to rollback, cancel or eliminate the invoice in the SRI and once it is cancelled contact the Unosof support team to make an annulation in the SRI database inside your Unosof application.

These requirements must be sent by email to Unosof, with the proper PO and the SRI invoice number.

4. If the invoice dates before the Blocking Date. To rollback, open the blocking date (In Accounting Administration)

Last updated