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The newly developed Komet Sales Bridge allows Unosof users to download pre-book orders from Komet to Unosof.
Token with the following API permissions are required: Product.List BoxType.List Vendor. List Location.List Carrier.List Customer.List PurchaseOrder.List Purchase.Order.Items.Awb.Add Prebook.Details.List
It's necessary to map species, varieties, SKUs, Billing Customers, Shipping Customers, Cargo Agencies, Carriers, Box Types, Order Types, Incoterms, etc.
Using some of the APIs described above, Unosof can access the Komets Sales tables, store that data, and automatically map some variables in the Unosof tables.
To access this module, go to:
Use Token Type, Vendor ID, and Line Item Status filters to set all the query limitations for calling the Komet Sales Orders.
Token Type: Application Token (General Komet Sales Account) or Customer Token (Customer's Komet Sales Account).
Vendor ID: Komet Sales vendor number.
Line Item Status: C is for confirmed, and S is for shipped orders in Komet Sales.
After setting the integration variables, click the Search button to see all results.
It is also possible to use advanced filters by:
Start and End Date
Komet ID: Komet PO
Text Search: Type in the customer's name
Location: Komet Locations
Show mapped: Activate this option to map products
Show JSON: Activate this option to see the JSON file.
Once the filters are set, click on the search button to see the results:
The page shows all orders that are in KS according to the search.
It will display compared information between both systems, labels, packing lists, and helpful integration tools.
Unosof Date: Unosof Order Date (Dispatch date)
Komet Date: Komer Order Date
PO ID: Unosof PO ID
Invoice ID: Unosof Invoice ID
Komet ID: Komet PO ID
Uno Customer: Customer in Unosof (Depends on the customer ID mapping)
Kom Customer: Customer in Komet
#Boxes Uno: Number of boxes in Unosof
#Boxes Kom: Number of boxes in Komet
Amount Uno: Dollars in Unosof. (Can be different from the KS amount due to modifiers or Transfer price).
Amount Kom: Dollars in Komet
JSON: Activate the JSON switch and search to see the JSON file for each PO. On the JSON File, you will find all the information that KS is sending Unosof to create the PO: customers, boxes, SKUs, number of bunches per box, Package Type (Vendor Tag), etc.
Map Boxes: Relate Box IDs in Unosof and KS
Stickers: Visualize the farm box stickers for each PO.
Stickers PH: Visualize secondary stickers such as In&Out Stickers. This applies to particular POs.
Packing: Visualize the Komet Packing List
Synch: Click on the Synch Button to download a PO.
Mass Synch: Select the orders and click the Mass Synch button to download orders simultaneously.
Products: Visualize not mapped products.
Box Error: Compares the number of boxes and IDs in Komet vs Unosof. Use this tool to map boxes.
AWB Assigned: Number of AWB assigned to the PO in Unosof
AWB Posted: Number of AWB posted to KS.
Komet Verified: Shows KS response to the AWB Posting.
Post AWB: Click on the button to post AWB to KS.
Date Created: Shows date/time of order download
Bridges / Komet Bridge
On this module its possible to download orders from Komet Sales into the Unosof system.