Purchase Order

This module describe the process to build a Purchase Order.

Home / Customers / Sales / Create Purchase Orders https://farm.unosof.com/index.cfm?event=Purchaseorders.Form.OMQUICK

The following page will appear, it is the primary page for creating new Purchase Orders.

The PO page has six main sections:

1.Control Bar: It contains the main controls for the PO and the PO page. More controls will appear as the creation of the order progress.

2. PO header: It contains the main coordination information of a purchase order such as the customer, type order, date of the PO etc.

3. Available Inventory Section: It can display available products that can be added to a purchase order. The first part of the section helps to search specific inventory based on the filters that are used.

4. Box Creation Section: This section will show all the added products and will help to add and create boxes.

5.The Packing List Section: It will display boxes with their corresponding contents. The user can distinguish confirmed or packed boxes.

6. PO Resume Section: It contains an overall view of the purchase order such as the total value, total stems, total boxes, etc.

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