Email SRI Invoices

This section will help the user send the SRI PDF's and SRI XML's to the clients.

Home/ Accounting/ SRI Electronic Transfer/ SRI Electronic Management

On the drop-down menu choose the Email SRI Invoices option.

Use the filters to find the SRI Invoices the user wants to email and press Search.

On the following page, in order to email invoices, select specific invoices and check the small boxes of the SELECT column. In case, the user wants to select all, check the small box located above the SELECT column. Finally, click on the blue Email Selected Invoices button send the files to the customers.

The SRI invoices can be emailed as long as they meet the following conditions:

Color Meaning

Green: The SRI invoices has been successfully sent to the client.

In the EMAILED ALREADY? column, the user can verify the date the invoice was sent by email to the customer.

Yellow: The SRI invoices hace not been sent.

Fill the email information to send the SRI Invoice.

Please keep in mind that this configuration is different from the send multiple emails.

The information of the emails must be filled out in each client profile configuration.

Please direct to the section Contact Info and to the SRI Email option. Fill the options with the corresponding email addresses. Hit the Save button to proceed.

Note: Separate the email addresses with a ( ; )


Finally, press on the Sync button to configure the change on all apps.

Last updated