Airway Bills
This module will explain the process to coordinate exportations.
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This module will explain the process to coordinate exportations.
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Route: Customers / Exportations / Airway Bills
Use the following options from the drop-down menu.
Single applications: Use the options of the section SITE COORDINATION.
Master applications: Use the options of the section REMOTE COORDINATION.
Make use of the filters to look for a specific search. Click on Advanced to see the rest of the filters for an advanced search.
In the drop-down menu choose the option View Purchase Order Warehouse or View Purchase Order Light and View Purchase Order Detail for master and single apps, respectively. Click the Search button.
The below page will appear where you can coordinate by purchase order.
Here, you can fill the AWB, HAWB, AIRPORT, DRIVER, CARGO AGENCY, and BODEGA. Once, completed the previous information, click on SAVE.
After refreshing the page, O.E. numbers appear once the coordination data is saved which is related to the country where the order is sent.
It is very important that all clients are assigned a country, otherwise, the O.E will not be shown. In the event that an error appears in the O.E./REF column. The country assigned to the client must be checked, and if the O.E is created for that country. correspondent
White: If an order appears in white it indicates that the order is invoiced and ready to enter the coordination information
Blue: It means that the order has been modified (new box, change of client, etc.) and the guidelines must be coordinated and / or verified again.
Red: it means that the order is empty (does not contain boxes) and cannot be coordinated.
Purple: It shows a pre-packed order that is going to be delivered days after. It helps the coordination to exclude these orders from the current day deliveries.
How to set an order into purple
Select in the drop-down menu the option "View Purchase Orders Warehouse".
Please select the desired PO that will turn purple.
Now click in the AWB column to input the following numbers:
999-9999 9999
It is fundamental that the numbers are typed correctly, if not the system will not recognize the instruction and the color of the PO will not change into purple.
Please hit the Save button to proceed with the color change. The order turns purple.
Those POs coordinated with 999-9999 9999 can be prioritized in the confirmation page, even if the user does not have the permissions to do so.
Farm level
Master Commercial invoice / PL Multi Print
Choose the desired filters for the search
Please click in the Search button.
Click Search
Esta opción permite imprimir la factura comercial y a continuación el Packing List (Lista de Empaque) por lotes y si desea alguna factura especifica debe usar los filtros.
Módulo Master
En el menú desplegable escoger la opción Compare AWB (Comparar GuÃas Aéreas)
Escoger los filtros deseados para la búsqueda (Se recomienda usar los filtros de fecha y/o Agencia de Carga)
Hacer clic en Search (Buscar)
Este reporte muestra las guÃas aéreas y las agencias de carga asignadas a cada pedido, y comprueba si los datos del Master corresponden con los de la Finca
El color rojo indica que hay alguna diferencia entre el Master y la Finca y se debe revisar.
When the save button is being hit, we automatically load in the DAU-40 into the module. If this is executed correctly, the PO page shall be blocked from making any changes to the cargo agency.
If the DAU-40 not gets assigned automatically to the PO after saving an AWB, then check: 1) does the shipping client has a correct country being assigned via manage customers? 2) does the O.E. table contains a DAU-40 for the matching country?
Compare AWBS