Accounting Cases / Compare Reports for Deposits
These reports are built for master server management/multi-RUC structures.
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These reports are built for master server management/multi-RUC structures.
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Check the following compare reports that describe certain scenarios that can possibly occur.
Route: Reports/ Accounting Reports
Please, select the report Compare Deposit Master. Use the filters to look for a specific search.
Start Date and End Date: to look for a period of time Customer: to search differences for a specific client Invoice Flow: If the client is Direct, Trading Client, or Select on PO Show All?: If marked, it will show all deposits including the ones without any difference. We recommend not marking the box, so the report shows only the deposits with issues.
This report shows the total values applied per deposit in each app.
Note that if there is any difference, the report will show the difference below the column DIFERENCIA highlighted in red. The difference is calculated between the total amount applied in the master and the sum of the amount applied in each farm, or trading.
Copy the Deposit ID with the difference.
Select the report Compare Deposit Master(Detail), and paste the deposit ID you copied into the filter Deposit ID, then run the report with the Search button.
This report works only with the Deposit ID filter.
This report shows deposits in detail, in essence, all invoices that got applied with a deposit are being shown. We show the differences in how much of the Deposit ID in the master, reached each application.
Note that if there is any difference, the report will show the difference below the column DIFERENCIA highlighted in red. The difference is calculated between the total amount applied in the master and the amount applied in each farm.
These differences can be a result of two issues. If there are over-deposited invoices follow Step 3. If there are differences in USD or stem values of invoices, you can go to Differences in Master vs Farm apps for direct clients and Differences in Tradings vs Master Apps for trading ones.
The report has some IDs highlighted in blue, which means they are hyperlinked and will redirect to another page.
To analyze further, it's necessary to click on the invoice and see how it got paid off, which will likely show you where the problems come from. Please, click on one of the IDs below the column INVOICE.
Example: Invoice 90275935 has a difference.
It redirects you to the View Deposit page and searches for all deposits applied to that specific invoice.
Check for duplicated deposit values applied in an Invoice below the column Ledger.
Example: In the invoice ID of 90275935, the value 217.39 is appearing twice meaning that the invoice got over-deposited in farm 2.
You can further analyze by comparing the farm PO values of 572.66 vs the farm applied value of 715.75, there is a mismatch.
Farm Po values are shown below the Ref column. See the marked section and sum up the values.
Example: PO values summed up in farm level of the invoice 90275935 is 572.66(74.32+206.64+74.31+217.39).
Deposit values applied on the farm level are described below the column Ledger as marked in the picture below.
Example: PO values summed up in farm level of the invoice 90275935 is 715.75(0.02+217.39+217.39+74.31+206.64).
Choose from the drop-down menu the report Check Overpayments and run the report. It checks any invoice with a negative balance resulting from deposits, i.e, invoices that were overpaid.
Hint: This report needs to be revised on every app to check for overpayments on invoices.
The report revises all history for any difference, therefore, filters are not needed.
Compare the column Invoice Amount and Money Remaining to see the overpaid amount.
On the Deposit IDs, it is possible to see the deposits applied. Click on the deposit IDs.
It will direct you to the View Deposits page with the deposit loaded automatically.
In case of duplicate deposits, you need to fix them by deleting one of the deposits and reapplying it.
There may exist several reasons why a deposit can be duplicated or an invoice can get over-deposited.
Two pages of the Make Deposit module open at the same time: The user applies the first deposit on one of the pages, however, the other page is still open with the previous outstanding balance, and, there, a second deposit can be applied if the page is not reloaded. It can happen that while the first page starts saving, another page with the same client is open pages do not refresh automatically until it is refreshed again.
Recommendation: Always work on one page at a time for deposits.
Deposit deleted in the Trading or Farm Application: The synchronization process of a deposit goes from Master to Trading/Farms accordingly, not the other way around. If a deposit is deleted from trading or farm, it generates mismatches causing the deposit not to get deleted in the master. It leaves the invoice open in trading/farm despite the remaining deposit in the master. Furthermore, note that the Make Deposit module makes remote calls to what's outstanding in the trading and the farm. Therefore, the invoice can be over-deposited because the system looks at outstanding values of the trading or the farm apps.
Recommendation: - Never delete a deposit directly from Trading/Farm apps. - Block deletion from Trading/Farm apps. Contact the Unosof team for this block.
Multiple clicks on the deposit-saving process: After clicking on the SAVE button to save a deposit, the system starts processing and recording all transactions of the deposit which can take some seconds until the page reloads by itself again. If the user does not wait until the process finishes and clicks multiple times on the SAVE button causes the deposit to be duplicated.
Recommendation: Be patient until the process finishes.
It is possible to manage deposits from Master to Farm that apply to invoices with different values. The amount that UNOSOF pays off in master to an invoice, gets also paid off percentage-wise to the Farm. For example, If client X has a farm value that corresponds to 80% of the master value. Then, the deposit value applied in the master will synch only 80% of the total to the farm apps.